Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pimp My Hexbug!

What is a Hexbug you ask ? Well, a Hexbug is a line of micro robotic creatures! Sounds fancy doesn't it ? actually it's quite boring, if you ask me, for example, mine just walks around until it hits something and then it turns around and that's basically just about it!
That's why I've decided to reuse the mechanical parts and boost the bug a bit.  So I designed a small wireless board to control my Hexbug. This is the modified Hexbug, I call it nrfbug

Now let's get down to the glorious details...

Wireless Link
For the wireless link I used the nRF24L01+ chip from Nordic. This chip is by far the most amazing VLSI chip that I have ever seen, it certainly deserves it's own post, however briefly, the nRF24L01+ chip is a 2.4Ghz wireless chip that implements a packet-based low level datalink layer protocol (similar to Ethernet) with dynamic payload length, auto-retransmission, auto-ack, CRC, FIFOs,  multiple transmitters, multiple receivers (broadcast). Newer chips even has an integrated USB controller, an improved 8051 core and an AES engine! it's just amazing!

I wrote a library for this chip, originally wrote it for the LPC1768, it's still a work in progress, but it does the job, link in downloads section.

For the MCU I used an atmega328 running on the internal RC oscillator at 8Mhz, the board has the SPI interface broken out to the header, it's not really compatible with any programmer, that I know of, I just use avrdude and an FTDI chip to bitbang the ihex file to flash.

On board is an H-bridge to control the motor direction, when the current flows in one direction the nrfbug moves both sets of legs, when it moves in the other direction it moves just one causing it to rotate. The bridge has fly-back diodes for protection. The h-bridge is controlled with two GPIO pins on the MCU.

While I was at it, I throw in an SMD ambient light sensor. The sensor is quite simple, it's basically just a light-sensitive transistor that is read by the ADC.

At the other end, I use an mbed to send commands to the bug. Connected to  the mbed is another Nordic chip and a joystick connected to the ADC to move the bug around.
The nrfbug board was designed using Eagle and fabricated at BatchPCB.  The first board had a small problem with the chip antenna having ground pours beneath it, according the datasheet it shouldn't! that's the bless of reading the datasheet after you finish your project :), it only affects the range though (and maybe cause more packets to drop), anyway, I fixed it and waiting for the new revision. The new Eagle files are available in the downloads.

Finally, the bug in action
nRF24L01p avr library
hg clone
nrfbug Eagle files
hg clone

MCP9800 Temperature Sensor

A while ago I picked up a few temperature sensors from DigiKey, it's been in my junk box for sometime now, so I decided it's about time to do something with it!

The MCP9800 is a high accuracy digital temperature sensor from Microchip, the sensor has an  I2C interface, a configurable 9-bit to 12-bit temperature resolution, shutdown mode, one-shot mode (one conversion while in shutdown) and finally an interrupt pin.

Typical Application
The MCP9800 requires a few external components, the standard I2C pull-ups and, depending on the polarity of the ALERT pin, a pull-up/down resistor.

The ALERT pin gets asserted when the temperature exceeds the upper temperature limit (TSET register) and again when it falls back below the lower limit (THYST register). The interrupt must be cleared by reading any register.

I used the MCP9800 in a wireless sensor network using nrRF4L01+ and atmega328, each node sends a unique id followed by the temperature reading to a central receiver which then sorts out the data and displays it.

MCP9800 avr library (the library has a nice native avr I2C example)
hg clone mcp9800